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Meditation Course: Medicine Buddha Empowerment

Draw closer to Medicine Buddha


Medicine Buddha is the embodiment of the healing power of all enlightened beings. His function is to liberate living beings from outer and inner sickness. At this special event, Gen Nyingpo will grant the Empowerment of Medicine Buddha and give commentary to the Medicine Buddha Sadhana practice.

What is an Empowerment:

An Empowerment is a blissful guided meditation through which we make a special, heart-felt connection with a particular Buddha and receive their inspiration. The enlightened mind is said to be like a boundless deep ocean, every drop of which has the power to bring inner peace to living beings. Receiving an Empowerment is a means of connecting with this expansive potential inside our own mind, giving us the energy and wisdom to begin to realise our own Buddha nature.

This event is suitable for anyone wanting to draw closer to Buddha and their spiritual potential.

The empowerment and teachings will be by Resident Teacher Gen Kelsang Nyingpo. She has a wealth of experience having been ordained as a Buddhist nun for over 25 years and taught for many years internationally. Her teachings are warm and inspiring and she understands the challenges people face in their lives, offering practical advice and solutions for the modern world.