Join a choir!
Reading is home to a multitude of choirs, all filling their own unique niche in the choral community - and they're always on the lookout for new voices to join them. From traditional choral singing to contemporary songs, from community choirs to those with a very clear focus, from adults to children, if you want to find the Reading choir for you, you've come to the right place!
Find the choirs looking for new members from the following list:
Open Rehearsals in January
A new year is a great time to try something new, and several of our local choirs are offering the chance to do just that, with free/open rehearsals in January to give you a taster of what they're like and see if you're a good fit for each other!
Thames Valley Gay Chorus - free open rehearsals on Monday evenings at 8pm
Thames Valley Chorus - free open rehearsals on Tuesday evenings at 7:30pm
Reading Phoenix Choir Open Rehearsal on Monday 13 January at 7:45pm
Reading Bach Choir
Reading Bach Choir needs you! Especially if you sing tenor or bass...
We are one of the leading amateur choirs in Berkshire, and are looking for singers with a high standard of singing and musicianship, who are interested in challenging themselves musically in a friendly and aspirational environment, led by our Music Director Daniel Mahoney.
If that sounds like you, please come and join us for a few rehearsals to try us out. If you enjoy the experience and want to stay with us, we will arrange a short audition.
We sing music of all eras, from Byrd and Palestrina to contemporary composers such as Judith Bingham and Peter Maxwell Davies. Based in Caversham, we perform 4 concerts a year at venues around Reading, including Douai Abbey.
For more information, have a look at the FAQs on our website
Berkshire Music Trust Choirs
Calling all singers! If you enjoy singing, we have a choir for you. From age five to adults, Berkshire Music Trust runs a whole host of choirs at our centre in Reading, at all levels. Our Music Centre choirs are open to all, and give everyone the opportunity to enjoy singing together. For more serious singers, we offer three auditioned youth choirs for different age groups.
For further information and to join please visit our website.
Thames Valley Gay Chorus
TVGC is a dedicated LGBTQ+ choir where all adults are welcome. Our aim is to provide a safe space for members of the LGBTQ+ community to get together, develop skills in singing and performing, whilst also taking advantage of the wide array of social opportunities offered by the group.
We rehearse every Sunday between 4 and 6pm and are based in Caversham, Reading. TVGC welcomes singers of all levels: there is no audition requirement to join us, and you do not need to be able to read music. We simply ask that you enjoy singing.
- Find out more
Universal Voices
Universal Voices is a free community choir for children aged 7-11, directed by Dr Rebecca Berkley and a team of student volunteers from the University of Reading's Institute of Education.
We provide an excellent choral education to all children in the Reading area, where they will play fun musicianship games, learn and sing a variety of repertoire selected from a wide range of different cultures, and learn musicianship. We rehearse Wednesdays during term time, 16:00 - 17:30 in Building L29 of the University's London Road campus.
- Register your child for their free place by completing the online form
- Contact for more information
Take Note Community Choir are looking for "Lows"!
Take Note are a community choor with a large number of singers who enjoy singing togther in harmony.
Rather than the traditional Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass, Take Note have "Highs", "Middles" and "Lows", with all genders in all voice parts.
They have hundreds of Highs and many Middles but are somewhat low on Lows! So if you think you'd like to sing your heart out with them, get in touch via for a free taster session.
New term starts Monday 13 January.
Reading Male Voice Choir are looking for new members
As Reading Male Voice Choir enters into it's next season, rich in history over the last 50 years+, they are now recruiting for new members to join us.
With 65 men singing in a 4 part harmony of Top Tenor, Second Tenor, Baritone and Bass singing many classics to modern day songs, and regularly perform not only locally to Berkshire, but also in UK/European trips.
They meet on a friday evening at Hawkedon School, Lower Earley RG6 3AP from 7.30pm - 10.00pm. The new term starts on 13th September 2024.
No experience or ability to read music is required, but be willing and eager to learn songs and perform with us.
To express interest and if you have any questions, please email or call 07707 171934.
To find out more information about the choir and forthcoming concerts then visit