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Forty years catching smugglers

A talk for Reading u3a by Malcolm Nelson

Forty Years Catching Smugglers (or “Why do I always feel so guilty?”) is the topic Malcolm Nelson will present at an open meeting hosted by Reading u3a. He will answer questions we’ve often been curious about: how do Customs Officers select passengers who they think might be carrying drugs? just what is it they are looking for? what are the tell-tale signs? how do the guilty ones give themselves away? And why do I feel like I'm being watched?

Malcolm worked for 40 years for HM Customs and Excise, involved in every aspect of catching smugglers, in the UK and across the EU. He is credited with the largest quantity of drugs by weight ever found in a single suitcase: forty two kilos of compressed herbal cannabis concealed inside plantains that had been scooped out and sewn back together again.

He is a member of the British Society of Criminologists and author of two books on smuggling. Reading u3a is delighted to be hosting this accomplished speaker for its open meeting – free entry, non-members welcome.