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Young Creatives

Sun 17 March, 15:30 - 17:00

Jelly is developing a group for young artists, creatives and producers aged 18 to 25.

The group is facilitated by young artist Cheri Clayton.

This will be the third meeting of the group and will include relaxed drawing and collage activities and a chance to meet other young creatives.


Some of the suggestions from the group as to what they would like to do through this network include:


Collaborative projects

Talks from industry proffessionals

Skill sharing

Opportunity to meet other young creatives

Fill in this form to be added to tell us about you and be added to the mail list for the group…


Email laura if:

  • you have any questions
  • you feel a bit shy about coming and would like a chat before
  • you would like to discuss access needs

We're looking forward to meeting you!