Rhymetime at Reading Central Library
Every Tuesday 10.30 - 11am and Thursday 10.15 - 10.45am and 11.15 - 11.45am

Rhymetimes are group sessions for babies and young children from 0 - 5 years and their parents and carers. They are fun, free, interactive sessions in libraries that last 30 minutes and bring adults and children together in a safe and supportive environment.
Rhymetimes involve a mix of songs and rhymes and repetition of these supports language and literacy development. Through rhymes children naturally learn essential skills for communicating such as turn-taking and joining in. Rhymes are also portable playthings – they can be said or sung at any time, any place!
Free event, drop in.
Ticket info
Free event, drop in.
Reading Central Library
Abbey Square
United Kingdom