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Le rapport Franco-Britannique du dix-huitième siècle jusqu’á aujourd’hui… Quel avenir?

The French-British relationship from the eighteenth century to today

This month’s French Circle meeting in Caversham takes the form of a presentation on the history of the relationship between Britain and France.  Join us for a glass of wine and some ‘bavardage’, then Annabel will take us back in time to look at significant historical events that have shaped the relationship between our 2 countries.  Through important wars, victories, defeats, treaties and the quest for territory, she will show, with humour, some of the reasons for our historic rivalry and current relationship.  What will the future bring?

(Note, the presentation will be given in French)

Annabel vous amène dans un petit voyage à travers l’histoire pour revisiter les moments importants dans l’histoire de nos deux pays. En resumant les principales guerres, des victoires, des defaites, des traités, la quête de territoire, elle essayera, avec humour, de montrer les raisons de la rivalité historique et la situation actuelle. Quel avenir nous attend?