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Boys Sing!

Boys Sing!


We have our 'Boys Sing!' event on Saturday 25th June 1:30pm-5pm at our Reading Music Centre

A fun afternoon of singing for boys from school years 3-13 with food, football and games!


Top tutors will lead singing groups for young voices, changing voices are especially welcome - support and guidance on your changing voice is available all day and fully developed voices leading towards an informal performance for family members and friends at the end of the day

Encourage your adults to come and join us as - Parents/carers of boys taking part in this workshop are invited to join from 3:30pm to form their own group - if you do not wish to take part in this you can come back at 4:45pm to watch the boys informal performance. Full male voice choir to be created by the end of the afternoon - we can't wait to see you there!




1:30pm Arrive and refreshments

2:00pm Boys workshop begins

3:30pm Adult workshop begins

4:45pm Informal performance

5:00pm Finish



£6 per child

£4 per adult



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