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An online talk by David Cufley

The 19th century saw a rapid rise in urbanisation, often resulting in overcrowding and congestion. This not only made things difficult for humans, but created an enticing environment for rodents. Rats threatened food supply and carried a potential risk of disease. To combat this, a new profession arose - the rat catcher. This new industry was highly sought after, and in turn gave rise to modern rodent control. David will describe how the ratcatchers plied their trade and earned their money, including sporting events involving rats that took place in pubs.

2 - 3.15pm

This is an online talk using Zoom technology and so pre-booking is required. Bookings close one day before the event.

Image: The rat catchers, 1900, Photographic Collection from Australia, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons web

About Berkshire Family History Society

This talk is organised by Berkshire Family History Society CIO, a registered charity number 1204390.