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Bells & Bricks – Local Industries of Wokingham

Church bells were cast in Wokingham between the mid-1300s and the early 1600s. The foundry is long gone but some of the bells cast there are still in use. Bell founding methods used today can be traced back to the way medieval founders worked. Brick making thrived in Wokingham during the 19th and early 20th centuries, with some works producing millions of bricks per year. The brickworks too are long gone but they left their mark. This talk describes these traditional local industries and how they changed over time, together with an overview of how their products were used. If the talk is given in Wokingham I can combine this with a walk round the town to see interesting examples of bricks and brickwork.

John Harrison will be talking to BIAG. John graduated from Cambridge and had a career in engineering and then ergonomics. His interest in history grew out of other interests, notably bellringing, railways and brickwork. His books include a history of bellringing in Wokingham. He is a member of the Wokingham Society.