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Kitchen Zoo presents The Tortoise and The Hare

A suitcase story for under 6’s and their grown ups

Fri 4 Aug, 10am & 3pm

Kitchen Zoo travel around with ther suitcase of stories, spinning yarns and telling tales. What will come out of the suitcase today?

It’s the Tortoise and the Hare. Get ready to hop like a hare and travel like a tortoise. Who will win, slow and steady or fast and furious?

Join us for an unexpected dash to the finish line.

On your marks, get set…GO!

An interactive story for under 6s and their grownups with live music, puppetry and a tale you thought you knew.

Friday 4th August
Palmer Park Library, 10am.
Tilehurst Library 3pm.
£3 per child.

Phone or call into your local library to book.
Palmer Park Library: 0118 937 5106
Tilehurst Library: 0118 937 5112