CODE by Justice in Motion
Sat 12 Oct, 12:00 & 15:00
The phone vibrates…a message…times, numbers, deals…and a warning. All in code. So young and so troubled. At home, in school, on the street. There’s no way out - is there?
CODE, Justice in Motion’s urban odyssey into County Lines and Knife Crime, is a spectacular blend of physical theatre, parkour and trials bike stunts with live rap and music. On an urban playground, skilled athletes and performers show what is happening to our young people exploited by organised drug crime gangs.
This story could be happening right now. See inside the County Lines through up-close, dazzling, adrenaline-fuelled, audacious story-telling inspired by true case studies...
No booking required just turn up!
We will also be joined by a number of local organisations including No5 Young person’s counselling, Stay True to You, Fire Cadets, Progress Theatre, Reading Rock Academy, Starting Point and more!
CODE: by Justice in Motion
This event has already taken place.
John Madejski Academy, 125 Hartland Rd, Reading RG2 8AF