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Artist in Residence - Open Studio with Michael Day

Visit residency artist Michael Day for an informal chat to discuss his work in progress.

Wed 26 Feb, 12:00 - 14:00 and 15:30-16:30

Sheffield-based artist Michael Day will be resident at Jelly during February. His recent work explores his own autobiography and class background. This body of work has been part of a process of unpacking and reevaluating his early years spent in and around the Dee Road estate in Reading. After feeling like an imposter at the end of his art-based PhD, he began to interpret his class background and the location he grew up in as formative of his experience of feeling out of place in academia and in the art world.
Since there is precious little archive material in existence about the Dee Road estate, he has been using Google Street View as source material to make models of the estate in 3D software. Recent work also includes drawings of images from old copies of the Evening Post, to try and reanimate the estate again in the way that he remembers it and experienced it as a young person. Michael will use his time on the residency to extend and develop this body of work.

Dr. Michael Day is an artist, researcher, lecturer, and occasional curator. He is interested in the ways that external factors can structure individual experience, and produces artworks that explore relationships between technology, class, and agency.
His practice is interdisciplinary and uses a range of media and technologies, including digital media, sound, installation, drawing and print. He has exhibited and screened work in venues across the UK, in Europe, and internationally.

You don't need to book a ticket - feel free to drop in throughout the session.