with Radical Dance Faction, Mass House and PowderedCows
We're back with a bang in 2025 and now taking weekends. Thursday's were great, I love Thursday's, but there's something about Friday, just the word itself evokes strong feelings, and now we're a part of it. Now January on the other hand, that's a bad word to some people. Don't worry about it.
What's on for January?:
- 📝 Radical Dance Faction - Legendary punk/dub/ska band from Hungerford. This will be fun, bring dancing shoes. If you don't already know, then familiarise yourself here: https://radicaldancefaction.com/about/ or here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMZb1ZslYDE
- 🏠MASS HOUSE - Electro/punk duo from Bristol or Birmingham. They come with a lot of synthesisers, political one liners and high energy. Check out this song about Homes Under the Hammer - https://open.spotify.com/track/5THC0DNldT9dPayCDsfQ0C?si=0d4bbe227ab642…
- 🐄 PowderedCows - Opening the show are the PowderedCows from Dorset. They are an avant-indie duo and the main musical project of Fox Will Eat Itself, for those of you who were lucky and early enough to see our first ever act of our first ever show way back in Feb 2024.
Bring your membership cards and if you didn't get one then get one this time. This one will cost £3 but of course NOTAFLOF. Yeaaaaaa
This event has already taken place.
Ticket info
£3 OTD
The Butler, Chatham Street, Reading RG1 7DS