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Reading Samaritans Open Day

Victoria Hall, Reading Town Hall

Wed 1 Jun, 11am to 5pm

Welcome to Reading Samaritans

Join us at Reading Town Hall on 1 June where we will be hosting a special open day to show you more about the work Samaritans does to help support people and how you can get involved.  Find out more about;

  • How we support people struggling with their emotional and mental health and those at risk of suicide
  • Tips on how to become a better listener
  • Our community outreach projects and activities in the town
  • How you can get involved to raise awareness and support your local branch
  • How to become a Samaritans listener or support volunteer 
  • Partnership opportunities for schools, community organisations and local businesses

Whether you are interested in becoming a volunteer or just want to find out more about what we do, everyone is welcome and we hope to see you there.

"I know how powerful the act of listening with empathy and without judging can be"

Listening volunteer
It's your call

It's your call

Samaritans provide support to people struggling with their emotional and mental health, those who are struggling to cope or those at risk of suicide.   Whatever you are going through, Samaritans are here to help you. You can contact us 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 

  • Call free on 116 123 
  • Send an email to (24 hour response time) 
  • Write a letter, addressed to ‘Freepost SAMARITANS LETTERS’ (7 day response time)
  • Download the Samaritans Self-Help App here



Supported by 

Reading Borough Council