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Human Rights Trail

Part of the Festival for Social Justice

Throughout May 2021

As part of our region's Social Justice Festival, our group is organising a Human Rights Trail.

Posters will be up around Reading & Caversham during May 2021. Each poster will have information about one of Amnesty's campaigns - a QR code will take you to an action. 

We also want people to take selfies with the posters and post on your own social media, so we can share our activism more widely. Given COVID times, all posters will be outward facing windows so everyone can be involved, even if the rules change or people are less keen to go inside.

We will publish a map in May so you can hunt down all the posters. We give a huge thanks to the restaurants, cafes, places of worship and other organisations who have offered to help us with this!

Watch this space for more info very soon.